Marysville Information Retrieval System - MIRS


Compress and download current folder "Preliminary Plat Resubmittal" (in a ZIP archive)

Name Size Date modified 
Applicants Response to First Review Comments - E Sunnyside .pdf
650.3 KB
24/02/2023 09:55:51 GMT-08:00
Drainage Report - E Sunnyside.pdf
124 MB
20/11/2023 02:13:46 GMT-08:00
Engineering Variance Request - E Sunnyside.pdf
778.7 KB
24/02/2023 09:55:53 GMT-08:00
Fire Flow Testing 87th Ave 40th St - E Sunnyside.pdf
181.6 KB
24/02/2023 09:55:53 GMT-08:00
Landscape Plan - E Sunnyside.pdf
6.3 MB
24/02/2023 09:58:34 GMT-08:00
Preliminary Plat - E Sunnyside.pdf
3.2 MB
24/02/2023 09:58:34 GMT-08:00
Revised Narrative - E Sunnyside.pdf
746.8 KB
24/02/2023 09:58:35 GMT-08:00
Sno Co Traffic Mitigation Offer - E Sunnyside PRD.pdf
503.6 KB
24/02/2023 09:58:35 GMT-08:00

Valid until 05/01/2025